Mormon Redeeming Grace

Translating Mormonspeak to the language of the canon of the Restoration and Christianity

Category: Politics and Pop Culture

Election 2012

I confess that I cannot watch much of the election coverage. When I consider what is at stake, the thought makes me physically ill.

The choice this year is not between two men who share the same love of country but differ in their personal policy preferences (Mark Levin).

The choice this year is between someone who loves the Constitution and someone else who sees nothing but flaws in it.

The choice this year is between the foundational, grounded concepts of limited government and personal liberty, and the speculative, fanciful sophistry of unlimited government and personal coercion for the alleged good of the collective.

Although the analogy is not perfect, this year the Federation and the Borg may as well be on the ballot.

On one hand, there are the children of the inspired founders of the Constitution and Declaration, the mortal authors of freedom, and on the other, the perpetually dissatisfied, aggrieved radicals and entitlement-minded who will gladly burn this nation to the ground in order to properly rebuild it in their own image.

When the fires go out, there will be little left, a fitting tribute to a grand delusion of unparalleled arrogance.

The choice this year is between competent management, binding budgets, and thoughtful strategy, and incompetent mismanagement, endless continuing resolutions, and childish tactics born of exigency.

The choice this year is between a shining city on a hill (Ronald Reagan) and just another sprawling, unremarkable shanty town lost in a vast slum of tyranny.

The truth is that we get the government we deserve.

But if we choose poorly this year, then we may never be able to undo the damage.

I fear the coming wrath, whether by divine censure and abandonment, or the logical, inevitable consequence of so many breaches of natural law.

I find no relief from the Book of Mormon account of the harrowing words of King Mosiah, a former inhabitant of the Americas:

Now it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people.

And if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land (Mosiah 29:26-27).

Given the apparent results this evening that give Obama the victory and a new handful of delusional Democrat simpletons their own keys to the Senate, I am afraid that a thin majority now resides in this diminishing, damaged Republic, a thin majority so entrenched in the state, so utterly ignorant of history and our history, and so astonishingly foolish that we citizens of the United States of America are guaranteed the preservation of the new normal of Obama’s first term, along with the assurance of steady, inexorable decline.

My God, my God, why have we forsaken the principles of our founding?

Please, Sovereign Obama, give us this day our bread and pottage of lentiles, for we have gladly sold our birthright.

Oh, and if it would not be too much to ask, may I also have one of those nifty Obama phones?

Romney and Ryan

This Mormon and this Catholic will bring this country back from the brink.

Rogers/Dalhausser Loss to the Italians

I was going to vent about the widespread misinterpretation of Alma 42 in the restored church of Christ, but I still find myself flat-out stricken over the untimely elimination of Rogers and Dalhausser in the Round of 16 at the 2012 London Olympics.

Strangely, I cannot determine which is worse–

The fact that R/D went on stretches of lackluster performance,


The fact that many Latter-day Saints believe

that we can pay for our own sins.

In my shock and disbelief, I cannot discern which is more egregious–

The fact that R/D looked listless at times,


The fact that many Latter-day Saints believe

that we can directly answer and satisfy the divine, perfect justice of heaven.

Perhaps now is not the time to call out and criticize the all-too-common wresting of Alma 42.

Not while the memory of that last stuff block on Rogers (down 20-21 in the second set) is still mercilessly searing my mind and disrupting my focus.


Darn it.

Darn it all.

Obamacare Upheld by SCOTUS

If Congress and the President insist on approving incomprehensibly intrusive legislation, and we let them do it, then why should we look to the Supreme Court for rescue?

The dissenting opinion got it right, but to no avail.

We collectively get what we collectively deserve.

Untimely Death of Andrew Breitbart

Like many others, particularly conservatives, I was greatly saddened to learn of the untimely death of Andrew Breitbart, who fought against what he saw as the stranglehold of the Left on the so-called mainstream media.

I am reminded of a passage from Isaiah:

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? (Isaiah 29:15).

Andrew saw, and knew, and brought some light.

God bless and Godspeed, and thank you, Jesus, for redemption, reconciliation, and resurrection.